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New Year's Letter


Dear friends,

Best wishes for a happy and healthy new year. 2021 presented challenges that we met with creative solutions. Our first season of Concerts in the Garden offered the opportunity for Rochester’s gifted music students to perform concerts in the sculpture garden surrounded by the beauty of nature and Chuck’s inspirational bronze sculptures. Amazing young musicians performed beautiful concerts from classical to jazz and captivated summer afternoon audiences in an exciting new fresh-air venue. My special thanks and sincere gratitude to Lauren Boutin, who sponsored the concerts and to the dedicated museum volunteers, who made it happen. I heard wonderful comments from members of the audience, who discovered exciting new musicians in Rochester and shared heartfelt applause for each beautiful concert. The young musicians truly moved the audiences. I thought Chuck would have enjoyed the concerts, because he created his beautiful sculptures with classical music playing in his studio. I thank our loyal audiences for supporting Rochester’s student musicians and inspiring them to reach their highest goals in music performance. We all benefit from letting beauty into our lives. Please join us for our exciting new 2022 Season of Concerts in the Garden.

I look forward to seeing you in this new year of music and art at the Gagnon Museum. Please bring your friends to discover Rochester’s best-kept secret.

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